The WhatsApp number of Umo Eno, the governor of Nigeria’s oil-rich Akwa Ibom state, has been hacked by suspected fraudsters. The hackers sent messages to the governor’s contacts asking for money, promising reimbursement later.
According to a statement released by the governor’s chief press secretary, Ekerete Udoh, the governor’s WhatsApp number was “cloned” by criminals attempting to defraud unsuspecting individuals. Law enforcement agencies have been notified, and the public has been warned to disregard any messages soliciting funds from the governor’s number.
This incident is not the first of its kind. Less than a month ago, a phone number linked to another governor, Ademola Adeleke of Osun state, was compromised in similar circumstances.
Cybersecurity analyst Bilal Abdullahi has advised governors to add additional security layers to their numbers and WhatsApp to avoid such issues. He recommended linking the app to an email for authorization and using an app lock with a pin or passcode.
Despite efforts to combat cyber-fraud, also known as “Yahoo-Yahoo,” it remains a significant problem in Nigeria. The government has invested millions of pounds in a state-of-the-art cyber-crime center to tackle the issue.